Location: SULLY, Vale of Glamorgan, United Kingdom

I have worked as a professional artist and poet for many years and often exhibit a related mix of poems, short stories and paintings.Main subjects are industrial images and townscapes. Much of my work is dislplayed on a range of blogs.It is simply a matter of pictures by paint and pictures by word. I see little difference between one medium and the other.

Friday, January 06, 2006

When Smilog Winked at Me

When Smilog mountain winked at me
And asked me once again,
Why did I leave his gentle slope?
And settle on the plain;
How could I quit his swirling mists?
With breezes fresh but tender,
The perfume of the shy foxgloves
The ash trees tall and slender.
My friend said I, you do forget
Once Smilog looked from high
Upon a vale unspoilt and green,
To which he gave a sigh.
Hidden in the morning mists
You dream the vale below
In gold and green is warmly bathed
By the sun's clear radiant glow.
How wrong you are my loyal friend,
For all has changed forever;
The air is dense with acrid smoke
That falls and stains the heather.
The sulphur fumes hum high to heaven
With day as dark as night,
Even angels cough and splutter above,
While from factory spills, the hills are
So never again will I return
To rest in you're cool shadow,
But will stay forever where grass is green
Within my pleasant meadow.


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