Location: SULLY, Vale of Glamorgan, United Kingdom

I have worked as a professional artist and poet for many years and often exhibit a related mix of poems, short stories and paintings.Main subjects are industrial images and townscapes. Much of my work is dislplayed on a range of blogs.It is simply a matter of pictures by paint and pictures by word. I see little difference between one medium and the other.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Pretty Polly

Enter a clown with a parrot on his ear,
“Pretty Polly! Pretty Polly! Are we all here?”
The smoke room is muggy and Mac in despair
Splutters and chokes in the poison laden air,
Is not the war over and the battle yet won?
Play your pipes, hurl hate at the heavens, run
bloody run.

Pull down the sky and cover your head,
Scream again “Pretty Polly” but only at the dead,
Surreptitious ladies, ready for the night
Dream of salamanders with chameleons in white;
Is the war over and can we have fun?
Pull your punch, drain dry your glass, run bloody run.

Exit a clown without parrot on his ear,
Poor Polly! Poor Polly! Were you ever here?
While in the corner the lounge clock is striving
To ask if the life that you have is really worth
The war is not over, shake your fist at the sun,
Stand still alone, harden your heart, run bloody


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