Location: SULLY, Vale of Glamorgan, United Kingdom

I have worked as a professional artist and poet for many years and often exhibit a related mix of poems, short stories and paintings.Main subjects are industrial images and townscapes. Much of my work is dislplayed on a range of blogs.It is simply a matter of pictures by paint and pictures by word. I see little difference between one medium and the other.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Assembly of Fools.

(To mark the birth of the Welsh Assembly)

can a one legged man swim duck if he is
of an assembly of fools capable
alone of multidirectional thinking
product of excessive ozone enrichment
that addles the brain and has no place to hide
but is soon snuffed out and destroyed
by the one legged man who can swim duck

can a one legged man swim duck when beset
by self constructed misfortune through the building
of sepulchres in holes that slyly bury
rhydderch’s white book thus loosing it’s mystery
while speaking with tongues ill forked with deceit
emphatically rejected out of hand
by the one legged man who can swim duck

can a one legged man swim duck when thrust
into the sea of political man’s murk
that tepid cesspool so often agitated
by the uncontrolled raging vortex
of dire unrehearsed political squabble
compromising for ever the clear Celtic thinking
of the one legged man who can still swim duck


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